Welcome To Grizzly Stitch

Web-based Embroidery Design for Everyone!

Stitch Designs Fast

With Grizzly Stitch, you can go from an SVG image to a stitch file in seconds.

Intuitive Interface

An interface that's so easy to use, anyone can do it.

Getting Started

If you'd like to use the latest and greatest bleeding edge version of Grizzly Stitch, use the alpha version linked below that's hosted directly from the GitHub repository. Beware! This is an alpha version of the software and issues might exist. If you hit an issue, go ahead and fix it yourself or submit a bug report.

Easily Embroid Your Designs

Open Source

Grizzly Stitch is released under the LGPL and open for anyone to modify.

Import Vector Graphics

Import your design in SVG or the upcoming XSEW format and stitch your shapes in seconds.

Export For Your Embroidery Machine

Export your stitch in DST format and then convert to whatever is needed for your embroidery machine.


Contributions are always welcome


An Open Source Project By People Like You